July 3, 2008

  • For Immediate Release, July 3, 2008 Contact: Rob Edward, WildEarth Guardians, (303) 573-4898 ext. 762, redward@wildearthguardians.org Michael Robinson, Center for Biological Diversity, (575) 534-0360, michaelr@biologicaldiversity.org Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project, (520) 623-1878 Daniel R. Patterson, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, (520) 906-2159 Federal Cash Brings Reward for Information on Illegal Wolf Killings to $50,000 SILVER…

  • Bush’s BLM had put a moratorium on solar energy lease applications for development on public lands wanting to wait for comprehensive environmental analysis before accepting new applications. The moratorium met an uproar of opposition. Now, the moratorium is dead. Solar application moratorium called off – AP

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