July 2008

  • California wildfires bring haze to region. By Chelsi Moy of the Missoulian It looked like this might be the first summer in quite a while that Idaho, Utah, and Montana skies would not be filled with forest fire smoke, then an unusual lightning storm hit California setting hundreds of fires; most still burning. One day…

  • Yesterday, we discussed this massive burden Mark Rey has just dropped on Montana counties in the form of access to remote second home sites. This is an indication that Obama may be good on land use issues. Earlier he blasted the Cline Mine and related proposals in British Columbia that threaten Montana’s Flathead River and…

  • Groups file suit over wolverine protection. U.S. wolverines face threats from climate change, other factors, conservation groups say. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. Once again the Bush Administration is arguing that the wolverine is not threatened everywhere, so it needs no ESA protection. They say that are wolverine in Canada. We have…

  • Robert Hoskins, one of the best informed people who post to this web site, is, of course, active writing in many publications. Recently he had a good LTE to the Billings Gazette. Brucellosis management has utterly failed. In Google News comments, he follows up on the Montana brucellosis in great detail. There Is No Scientific…

  • The Casper Star Tribune highlights an important threat to wildlife habitat – weeds: Waging war on weeds The article gives a pretty good indication of the extent to which different weeds threaten wildlife habitat and are an economic scourge – but I will take issue with one statement made in the article : Native plants…

  • Read this. You can find it at Thomas http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:s3211: Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – S. 3211 To amend the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007, to clarify eligibility for livestock indemnity payments. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2008 Mr. BAUCUS…

  • Butch Otter wants non-motorized watercraft to register, pay fees. LA Times. Fair is fair? Well, the fees all go to facilities used mostly by motorized craft.

  • Yellowstone fires 20 years later: Back after the burn. By Brett French. Billings Gazette

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