August 2008
The monies to buy the land came from the controversial Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act. It is very important wildlife habitat. 17,000 acres purchased by BLM for public use. By Susan Voyles. Reno Gazette Journal. Google Maps. The general area of the purchase.
There is a bad land exchange, harmful to wildlife, in the works in eastern Oregon. It would be nice to get 1000 acres on Steens Mountain but not at the cost of 11,000 acres of prime wildlife habitat in and near the Silvies Valley. This alert is from the Oregon Hunters Association. RM Who: OHA…
Finally some details about the trial in which Ron Gillett escaped being convicted (or exonerated) in his altercation with Lynne Stone. Gillett walks for now. Jury trial ends without a verdict. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer.
It was suggested in another thread that it would be interesting, informative and useful to come up with a list and/or discuss what JB has called “rural legends.” These would be similar to the well known term “urban legends,” but they would be much more common in rural areas and deal with the outdoors —…
Sudden wildfire destroys nine homes, damages 10 others in Boise subdivision, Idaho Statesman. One resident was also found dead in the ashes. This fire happened on a “red flag warning” day, and the winds made it very quick. Rocky Barker has some comments on the fire. The homes and yards had not been prepared to…
Hung jury declared in anti-wolf activist trial. Idaho Statesman.