August 2008

  • Bill Willers describes the looting of your public domain : Subsidies, Volunteerism and Outsourcing New Paths Toward the Loss of Our Public Lands – by William Willers counterpunch

  • Gunbarrel still on fire. Long-term plan uses fire to clear forest of beetle-killed trees. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette Wyoming Bureau. The fire is now 50 square miles and serving to clear out a part of the North Absaroka Wilderness that was a deadfall jungle (not that access was ever easy, given the rugged terrain…

  • A Wisconsin study demonstrates a model showing that wolves are least abundant where there are roads or agriculture.  Road density and ag land good predictor of wolf presence (or absence, as is the case). [Wisconsin] Wolves are lying low – JSOnline

  • Joan McCarter looks at some of Wyoming’s recent strategies to protect sage grouse, avoid ESA listing of Sage grouse to keep Oil & Gas happy. Grousing Around Is the sage grouse the 21st century’s spotted owl? – NewWest

  • Rocky Barker: White says climate change worse on range than ranching. Idaho Statesman. I thought this might be joke. RM Certainly a lesson in bad logic. Of course, a nearby supernova would be worse than climate change; duh. White, of course, is trying to argue that conservationists should spend more time working on climate change…

  • More of Turner’s bison die in anthrax outbreak. By The Associated Press

  • The message to employees is clear at Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) – when it comes to development projects on public lands that threaten wildlife – keep your mouth shut. David Parrish, Magic Valley regional supervisor for IDFG former Magic Valley regional supervisor for IDFG, has a problem – a political problem.  Parrish…

  • Southeast Idaho officials approve a big wind energy farm. AP “Construction of a 150-turbine wind farm on 20,000 acres along Wolverine Canyon [Blackfoot Mountains] has been approved by Bingham County commissioners.” The turbines would be 490 feet tall!! I wonder if there are any taller ones anywhere? This project is remaking some traditional political alliances…

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