August 2008
Bill Willers describes the looting of your public domain : Subsidies, Volunteerism and Outsourcing New Paths Toward the Loss of Our Public Lands – by William Willers counterpunch
A Wisconsin study demonstrates a model showing that wolves are least abundant where there are roads or agriculture. Road density and ag land good predictor of wolf presence (or absence, as is the case). [Wisconsin] Wolves are lying low – JSOnline
Joan McCarter looks at some of Wyoming’s recent strategies to protect sage grouse, avoid ESA listing of Sage grouse to keep Oil & Gas happy. Grousing Around Is the sage grouse the 21st century’s spotted owl? – NewWest
Rocky Barker: White says climate change worse on range than ranching. Idaho Statesman. I thought this might be joke. RM Certainly a lesson in bad logic. Of course, a nearby supernova would be worse than climate change; duh. White, of course, is trying to argue that conservationists should spend more time working on climate change…
More of Turner’s bison die in anthrax outbreak. By The Associated Press
The message to employees is clear at Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) – when it comes to development projects on public lands that threaten wildlife – keep your mouth shut. David Parrish, Magic Valley regional supervisor for IDFG former Magic Valley regional supervisor for IDFG, has a problem – a political problem. Parrish…
Southeast Idaho officials approve a big wind energy farm. AP “Construction of a 150-turbine wind farm on 20,000 acres along Wolverine Canyon [Blackfoot Mountains] has been approved by Bingham County commissioners.” The turbines would be 490 feet tall!! I wonder if there are any taller ones anywhere? This project is remaking some traditional political alliances…