Idaho Republicans turning over a new leaf ?

Rocky Barker collects some quotes from candidate politicians and says :

Idaho Republicans going green in red state Idaho Statesman

The League of Conservation Voters collects Idaho politicians’ voting records and says :

Senator State 110th, 1st session Score
Larry Craig (REP) ID 13%
Mike Crapo (REP) ID 13%

Representative District 110th, 1st session Score
William Sali (REP) ID-1 0%
Mike Simpson (REP) ID-2 5%

Names link to voting record on key evironmental issues and politician’s score over their career – namely, WHY their score is the way that it is.







  1. john weis Avatar
    john weis

    I will withhold judgment that they have turned a new leaf until they come out in favor of breaching the 4 salmon-killing lower Snake river dams.

  2. jdlarge08 Avatar

    They might turn over anything if there is a likely place to dig or drill or graze or shelter an endangered species. I know that sounds like a pretty wide stance, but I’ve always been given to making impolitic statements about those I consider to be scoundrels, and as long as the lovely towns and villages of Idaho persist in the stratagem of sending them to the legislature to get them safely away, it’s irresistible. As the late Molly Ivins would write, on the eve of it, “The legislature opens a new session in Austin tomorrow, depriving many a Texas village of its idiot.”
    (Hi Ralph!)

    – – – – – –
    Send me some private email, and tell me what you are up to? Ralph

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