September 2008
Prosecutor: Gillett will not be re-tried. Idaho Mountain Express.
Defenders of Wildlife just released the following.
Wolves prefer fishing to hunting. It is easier for the wolves to catch salmon than track deer. BBC News. “Wolves in western Canada prefer to fish for salmon when it is in season rather than hunt deer or other wild game, researchers have found.” Easier? Why I thought wolves from Canada were killing machines that…
Anthrax NW of Yellowstone now killing wildlife. Bozeman Chronicle. By Jessica Mayrer The anthrax that has killed about 250 of Ted Turner’s bison is now killing deer and elk in the area. When I think of this and Montana Department of Livestock’s single-minded focus on brucellosis, it makes me furious. Apparently the anthrax was dormant…
Wolf packs attack the toughest prey in Yellowstone. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff. “It’s not easy being a bison-eating wolf in Yellowstone National Park.” Mollies Pack has become a rugged bison-killing wolf pack. They are a pack ideal for this with their big brawny male wolves. It’s no accident. With elk, big males in…
Silver Gate man spends days recording wolf movements. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This story is about a great man almost every wolf watcher in Yellowstone Park soon meets, Ranger Rick McIntyre.
Deal reached on Kootenai sturgeon. By Nicholas K. Geranios. Associated Press Writer The huge and long-lived sturgeon have not been able to spawn successfully in the Kootenai RIver since the Libby Dam was finished way back in the 1970s.
The Aug. 2008 The International Journal of Wilderness has a fine article by George Wuerthner. Most of the rural East has become reforested as agricultural has shifted and these relatively marginal lands for cultivation have grown back into forests. It may appear the old forest has now been considerably restored, but Wuerthner argues we hardly…