September 2008

  • If a cow from a second herd tests positive, Wyoming will again lose its brucellosis free status, and it looks like one will. It’s important to remember that the recent brucellosis infection near Danial, WY came from one of the state’s elk feedlots that conservation groups are trying to shut down because they are breeding…

  • Do I need to preface this by saying it’s unfortunate? As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They’re Undone. By Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post Staff Writer. This year is hardly unique, but I do think it is getting worse because lies can be generated and disseminated so quickly.

  • Senator McCain doesn’t like “earmarked” congressional spending for special local projects. There is one story he has told for a long time about this kind of “waste.” It’s that of the Montana grizzly bear DNA study. It always gets a great laugh, generates some outrage, and he convinces many of his point of view. Anyone…

  • I notice a lot of people have been reading this story on the gate failures at Hebgen Dam, the news of which was first brought to us on Sept. 1 by “Idahosal.” (Salle) They thought they had the way to fix the broken headgates at the dam, but it failed. Oh Oh1 PPL back to…

  • The other day Ken Cole sent me a remarkable piece of work of his. He had taken the data I have put up since 1995 and added some additional data and made a file showing every wolf that was radio-collared in the Yellowstone Park from 1995-2008. It was a very large Excel file, which I…

  • JB took the time to come up with a lot of data on this topic, but his comment went into spam because WordPress don’t like URLs in comments very much. I just found it there buried with the typical spam. I am making his comment into a post to make up for the problem (and…

  • Joel Connelly: Protection still crucial for grizzly recovery. Seattle P-I. The lawsuit over the delisting of the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone is still out there, and going to the 9th circuit. Interesting, because  I wasn’t aware that the district court had rulled against the plaintiffs. Connelly’s column isn’t about that, however. It’s about…

  • Sarah Palin’s record on environment is abysmal. By Rick Steiner. Seattle P-I. Guest Columnist. Palin may have the worst record on the environment of any candidate for the president or vice presidency in history. She won’t even protect Bristol Bay from the huge Pebble Mine (her daughter is named Bristol), and so much of the…

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