Protection for the Snake River and the Wyoming Range mountains still coming?
This popular bill to keep the drilling rigs out of the steep, unstable, scenic Wyoming Range, south of Jackson Hole has stalled due to the election campaign.
It looks like there’s going to be a lame duck session of Congress. Harry Reid says he may add this bill and also the “Craig Thomas Snake Headwaters Legacy Act,” to add 387 miles of rivers and streams in the Snake River drainage to the national Wild and Scenic Rivers System, to an omnibus public lands bill.
These bills are sponsored by Wyoming’s Republican senators, two very conservative men. The leading opponents have been the natural gas drilling interests and Senator Larry Craig (who doens’t want protection for the Snake River, which flows into Idaho).
Senators may hear energy, river bills. By Noah Brenner, Jackson Hole News and Guide.
“These bills are sponsored by Wyoming’s Republican senators, two very conservative men.”
Nice to see that there are still a few CONSERVATIves interested in CONSERVATIon.
Good new Ralph,
After the election is better than never, but I do wish it was earlier than this. I have spent the last three weeks hunting in the Wyoming Range and this is the truely the best place in the world. I even saw two wolves!
Forgot to add, that I have a ton of pictures of the range that are alot farther south than the ones you have posted in the past. So if you ever need some let me know.
Wyo Native,
That’s great that you saw wolves. For folks’ info, this is in the recently disestablished “predator” zone in Wyoming, and the most likely corridor of wolf dispersal into Utah and Colorado.