WY Game and Fish Commission passes revision of wolf plan

Commission adopts new state rules (only minor changes)-

Commission passes revision of wolf plan. Game and Fish officials hint that lawmakers might need to eliminate unregulated killing area. By Corey Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

These changes are supposed to help with the feds latest effort to delist the wolf, although hardly anyone thinks they will because the fundamental Wyoming state law is so flawed that it permits little in the way of regulatory change.

For a couples years I’ve thought that Wyoming politicians don’t really care if the wolf is delisted, especailly since they have such friendly federal wolf management. The last minute run at delisting is to appease Idaho and Montana politicians and livestock interests.



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  1. Virginia Avatar

    It always makes me wonder why they bother to have these public meetings and take comments from the public, because what we say or write doesn’t really matter anyway!

  2. Ralph Maughan Avatar


    State or federal law says they have to. That’s the bottom line, but often public comments count a lot.

    Of course, they didn’t in this case, and nobody thought they would.

  3. JB Avatar


    I’ve heard this type of public involvement referred to as the “three Is” (pronounced: eyez) of public participation: “Invite, Inform, and Ignore.”

    I’ve also heard it called the “MAD” technique. As in (1) Make a decision, (2) Announce said decision, and (3) Defend the decision. This technique generally serves to make everyone MAD!


  4. JB Avatar

    “Bangs agreed that Wyoming’s predator area will likely become an issue as the delisting process moves forward.

    “The predatory animal status has been a lodestone around our neck from the get go,” he said. “It’s alienated the moderate groups. It’s alienated [some scientists]. Certainly the symbolism of predator status alienates most people. Don’t give your opponent a big club and then bitch when they hit you in head.”


  5. Jon Way Avatar

    There should be a federal law that doesn’t allow year-round slaughter (aka predator status) for all wildlife species, whether they be coyote, wolf, etc. Native wildlife deserves to be treated better.
    By the way, the Is or MAD rule (see JB’s comment) applies in “liberal” Massachusetts as well. When they increased eastern coyote/coywolf hunting they had a public comment period but ignored the wishes of the vast majority of folks (including myself who got his PhD studying the species) to appease a small minority of people that still don’t appreciate predators. Of course, they had it predetermined no matter how many people wrote/spoke against it.
    And state fish and game agencies wonder why so many wildlife related issues pass on state ballot referendums….

  6. John d. Avatar
    John d.

    I believe these people in the WY F&G need a darn good smack over the back of the head, if you catch my drift.

  7. Virginia Avatar

    My husband tells me I am wasting my time when I attend these meetings, write letters, send emails and tell everyone I know how important these wildlife issues are to our future. My reply is that if everyone did nothing, how could anything ever change. Then, you see that the efforts made to do something about issues such as this one, are ignored and you do feel as though you were wasting your time. But, I will never give up and I know that everyone in this blog will not give up! Change we can believe in!

  8. Salle Avatar

    John d.,

    …are you referring to, perhaps, a “dope slap” upside the head with a deft, open hand?

    …or the kind like Helen Chenowith got with a dead salmon? (Frankly, I had imagined a repeat performance of that one only with Sarah Palin as Helen’s stand-in having determined she was equally deserving.)

  9. John d. Avatar
    John d.


    Preferably the method that involves a firm, flat handed strike to the back of the head, until they get their brains into the 21st Century. Though its likely they shall develop severe concussions before anything productive happens.

  10. Salle Avatar

    John d.,

    Sadly, you’re probably right. But I’d still like to see the whack with a dead fish!

    Fortunately for those of us with a positive IQ Palin was shown, directly following the ceremonial pardoning of a turkey, giving a happy-faced interview right in front of the kill station at the slaughterhouse! During the portion I watched, at least four turkeys were slaughtered on camera!

    How appropriate an illustration of her compassionate self interest.

  11. Robert Hoskins Avatar
    Robert Hoskins

    Hey guys, in Wyoming, the governor puts individuals on the G&F Commission who will capitulate to the livestock industry, no questions asked. Why should anyone be surprised by this?

  12. John d. Avatar
    John d.

    …I know of a shameful similarity…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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