November 2008

  • Ranch, gas interests had hoped Kempthorne would influence the results of “status review” on the disappearing bird- I know that by last May Western Watersheds Project and Advocates for the West had pretty much figured out that the matter would go to the next Administration. Of course the Bushies had hoped to ram it through.…

  • A study says cave bears killed by Ice Age, not hunters- I didn’t know that the huge cave bears were vegetarians. Changing climate wiped out their food. Story on the extinction of cave bears. By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent. Reuters.

  • Craig and Sali, the worst, will be gone in 2009- Watchdogs give Idaho delegation low marks. Environmental group tracks votes. By Gregory Foley. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. Of the 4 Larry Craig has been the worst. For decades he has been very active about his anti-conservation views. Sali was too nutty to be effective.…

  • Perhaps, but where is the public lands grazing reform? These are the establishment groups’ views. Environmentalists draft bold roadmap for Obama. By Dina Cappliello. AP in the Huffington Post.

  • Lease sale for Dec. 19 might exclude parcels adjacent to national parks- Utah parks may yet escape oil drilling. Land lease » BLM and Park Service may settle their dispute today. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune – – – – Original story in this blog from Nov. 9Utah oil and gas lease sale…

  • Saga of the Super-Rich- Yellowstone Club Returns to Bankruptcy Court, to Sink Further Into Debt. By Robert Struckman. New West.

  • Washington governor’s program to put cows on state wildlife areas results in a second serious injury- A second man has taken a fall while building fence for the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. Family asks for help after man is paralyzed in canyon fall – Susan Perez said she had been fearful for…

  • Claim is that more are killed than reported- Yes, and given Wildlife Services’ seeming intent to reduce wolf populations by control after “depredations”, it seems just as likely the depredation figures are inflated. At any rate, the cost is small. Many people as individuals have lost far more in the decline of their retirement funds,…

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