January 2009

  • Stream access bill snags on specifics. By Jennifer McKee. Helena Independent State Bureau. The proposed Stockgrower’s Association amendment would make the stream access bill largely meaningless.

  • Interesting, a move up from collaborationism- Idaho has more roadless, undeveloped national forest land than any other state but Alaska.  Compared to most other western states only a modest portion of this has been protected as designated Wilderness. The rest was allocated into various categories in an initiative pushed by Jim Risch during his brief…

  • Human activity is indirectly adding large birds to skies near airports- Don’t Blame Mother Nature for the Crash. The editors. 2 articles. New York Times

  • Lawsuits and congressional action are likely to void the gutting of section 7 of ESA- This has already been reported in the comments on one of the threads here;  but for everyone this is what has happened. California filed suit to overturn the Bush/Kempthorne diminishment of section 7 consultation. Congress is right now moving to…

  • EPA says Columbia River pollution levels “unacceptable risk to people, fish and wildife- For those not familiar, the Columbia River is the major river of the Pacific Northwest. It and its tributaries drain almost all of Idaho, and Washington states, and western Montana. . . . much of Oregon and British Columbia too, plus the…

  • Salazar’s hearing before Senate Committe- Sounds like any generic, old school Western Democrat that has been in this “saddle” many times before- Ken Salazar promises reform at Interior Department. LA Times. By Jim Tankersley Barack Obama criticized — again — over pick of Ken Salazar as Interior secretary. By Pete Thomas. LA Times. I should…

  • House passage is expected next week- The bill finally passed today. The final vote for passage was 73-21. While most of the media seem to still think this is just a bill wilderness bill, folks are slowly finding the other stuff. For example, contained in the bill is the “Wolf Livestock Loss Mitigation Act,” authored…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign update from the field- Gallatin National Forest Approves Horse Butte bison trap, WTF! Montana begins killing elk to appease livestock interests- Although BFC is on my blogroll (down in the right column of the blog), I haven’t posted one of their “updates from the field” lately. Here is a slightly abridged version.…

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