January 2009

  • He said a lot of standard stuff- Agriculture Pick’s Hearing Is Smooth. By Andrew Martin. New York Times. Here was a hopeful story from Jan. 14. Hope and the new USDA chief. Coming together to work toward a sustainable food and farm future. David Murphy (Guest Contributor).  Grist Magazine. Here is today’s story. “Not-so-tough row…

  • This is the big office for those interested in Western wildlife and public lands. The nomination doesn’t seem controversial to his fellow senators- Salazar confirmation hearings expected to yield few fireworks. Senator generally respected, admired by GOP and Dems. By M.E. Sprengelmeyer, Rocky Mountain News

  • For most Americans, this is what Kempthorne might be remembered for- Kevin Richert: Pricey privy: What was Kempthorne thinking? Idaho Statesman. The average American, especially those not from the West, doesn’t know much about the scandal-ridden Department of Interior. This is the sort of think that sticks in peoples’ minds.

  • Result is mostly toward smaller and shorter-lived individuals- Human fishing and hunting accelerating evolution of species. Fishing and hunting by humans is accelerating the speed of evolution in some species as it removes whole generations of large adults who would otherwise reproduce. By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent. UK Telegraph. Assuming that the prey does not…

  • Here are links to a number of reactions- NRDC. Flawed Flip-Flop on Wolves. Bush Administration changes course again with Endangered Species List re-removal. Defenders of Wildife. Bush administration rushes to strip protections from Northern Rockies wolves. Despite previous court decisions, administration again ignores Endangered Species Act requirements. Wyoming Chapter of the Sierra Club- News Release…

  • A last of the Bush Administration special- Here’s the link to the USFWS News Release– OR read it below Contacts (Northern Rocky Mtns) Ed Bangs 406-449-5225, x204 Sharon Rose 303-236-4580 (Western Great Lakes)  Laura Ragan 612- 713-5157 Georgia Parham 812-334-4261, x203 Wolves in Wyoming to Remain Protected by Endangered Species Act Deputy Secretary of the…

  • Utah’s Henry Mountains herd — the source — originally came from Yellowstone Park- 31 Utah bison headed for the Book Cliffs. Associated Press. Salt Lake Tribune. – – – – – – – “Buffaloed” provided a better (a video) link.  http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=5310294. KSL Television. Thanks! Photo of Blue Castle Canyon in the Book Cliffs (one of…

  • Protection of Wyoming and Salt River Range, plus Commissary Ridge from drilling wins praise- Massive Public Lands Bill a Bonanza for Sportsmen. By Chris Hunt. New West. But there is more in the bill than protection of certain parcels of land- If you don’t think about the Owyhee Initiative part of the bill, it seems…

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