February 15, 2009
State solicits Wildlife Service to do what it does best – slaughter wildlife When wildlife like elk or deer numbers decline, that is usually indicative of something. Often it can be a temporary decline – a response to a natural event such as a fire, drought, or really cold winter – the natural ebb and…
Small Wyoming gopher only exists in a small area where it is outnumbered by oil wells. Endangered or threatened? Feds review pocket gopher protection request Casper Star Tribune
Mysteries of Song Bird Migration Revealed Tiny ‘Backpacks’ Yield New Data on Birds Washington Post One especially energetic purple martin, a member of the swallow family, flew 4,650 miles from its wintering grounds in Brazil to its breeding site in Pennsylvania in just 13 days. Tracking Device Reveals Songbirds’ Travels NPR
“Boulder Bunnies” or “Rock Rabbits” are Under Threat from Global Warming U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas San Francisco Chronicle “Surveys in the Great Basin show that more than one-third of the populations are disappearing”