February 16, 2009
Wyoming wilderness outfitters Tory and Meredith Taylor share a rare treat ~ The View from the Divide: Four Decades in Wyoming Wilderness – Tory & Meredith Taylor Wyofile.com
Friends of the Clearwater sent out this Action Alert: In January 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) adopted the revised regulations of section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This new rule substantially supports justifications for killing reintroduced, endangered gray wolves to nominally protect herds of elk, deer, and other wild ungulates…
Buckle up folks, a standoff ! Rob Edward of WildEarth Guardians opines on Rocky Mountain National Park’s (RMNP) overabundance of elk, hoping to jump start a conversation about wolf restoration in the wider ecosystem including Colorado – as opposed to guns. Vaughn Baker, superintendent of RMNP says it won’t work. Both featured in Sunday’s Denver Post:…
Idaho Board of Environmental Quality Won’t Even Vote for Voluntary Rules. Barker: Industry rolls over mercury initiative . Rocky Barker – Idaho Statesman Mercury is an element that does not degrade to anything less harmful. It causes developmental problems in children and unborn fetuses and it accumulates in fish and other food sources making them unsafe…