March 2009
Little discussed amendment to bill would pay livestock owners for losses, but also give grants to be proactive and use non-lethal measures- Livestock operators are always getting new subsidies from the government, but this amendment could be positive because it is more than just paying people for their losses to wolves. It also provides grants…
Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…
Dan Brister of Buffalo Field Campaign was featured on Montana’s Public Radio March 27, 2009 with this audio essay
Lobos of the Southwest is the first website totally devoted to the conservation of the Mexican wolf, although there is an “anti” web site. This is a much needed development. Lobos of the Southwest.
We need wildlife megacorridors- Megaconservation: Saving wildernesses on a giant scale. By Jim Giles. New Scientist.
First ashfall on Anchorage- Volcano ash dusts Anchorage, airport closed. Richard Mauer and Lisa Demer. McClatchy Newspapers. Part of the Kenai Peninsula was also dusted.
USFWS and Arizona Game and Fish in a sloppy screw-up? An interesting article today in Demarcated Landscapes. Update. Jaguar may have experienced ‘capture myopathy’. Necropsy by zoo inconclusive, two outside vets say. By Tim Steller. Arizona Daily Star Update 4/2. I baited jaguar trap, research worker says. Attorney general opens investigation into capture. Biologist denies…
Developers and Republicans kill the bill- Story in New West by. By Courtney Lowery. It’s hard to find a bright light during the great recession, but if it is killing off the rural sprawl developers who killed the bill, there is at least a bright flicker.