Resistance to the War on the Wild

Several friends and associates found themselves in Eugene last weekend attending the University of Oregon Law School’s annual Public Interest Environmental Law Clinic (PIELC), I didn’t make it this year but I thought I’d share Michael Donnelly’s irreverent account of this year’s gathering for those interested :

Resistance to the War on the Wild – via Counterpunch






  1. jerry b Avatar
    jerry b

    Thanks for posting that Brian. It will be on my calendar for next year. Have any idea if anyone spoke on The Public Trust Doctrine and how it relates to “our” wildlife?

  2. Brian Ertz Avatar

    I think that there was a panel on the Public Trust Doctrine as a matter of fact – I’ll make a couple phone calls & see whether I can get an idea

  3. Tilly Avatar

    Quite a few panels on the PTD, actually.

    I believe the panels can be downloaded as audio files. Doesn’t look like the 2009 ones are posted yet, though.

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