April 2009

  • Former Arizona Game and Fish Employee claims she was told to bait the trap with female jaguar scat obtained from the Phoenix Zoo or the Reid Park Zoo. I baited jaguar trap, research worker says Arizona Daily Star

  • Bush policy on the issue called “train wreck,” “unfixable”- Spotted-owl recovery gets another look from Obama administration. By Warren Cornwall. Seattle Times environment reporter “The Obama administration signaled Tuesday that it wants to scrap a controversial Bush-era plan for spotted-owl recovery, asking a federal district court judge to let them rewrite it, rather than defend…

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press contact: Josh Mogerman at 312-651-7909 (office) or 773-853-5384 (mobile) Conservation Groups Bring Wolf Fight Back Into Court NRDC and Twelve Groups fight decision to remove Northern Rocky Mountain wolves from Endangered Species List LIVINGSTON, Mont. (April 1, 2009) -The long fight over wolves in the Northern Rockies continued today when the…

  • Some of us hoped that they had second thoughts. Here it is in the Federal Register. (Updated link for Northern Rockies Wolves) Federal Register Link for Great Lakes Wolves

  • Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity score big victory for the big cat- This could mean that critical habitat for the jaguar will have to be established in the United States and even a reintroduction. U.S. District Court judge orders new review for jaguar habitat. By Arthur H. Rotstein. AP in the…

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