April 2009

  • The less time in the den, the more bears are killed, especially in the fall- Although grizzlies are now coming out of their dens, quite slowly this year because of deep snow, it may be that recent warm years have delayed the onset of their annual winter hibernation. Now a study is underway to ascertain…

  • Prehistoric Bears Ate Everything And Anything, Just Like Modern Cousins. ScienceDaily

  • Good gracious that’s a lot of comments ! Congrats to Idaho’s prized bighorn sheep and thanks to those that commented ! 15,000 Comments Received on Bighorn Sheep Viability DSEIS – News Release, Payette National Forest The bighorn sheep issue has been on the cutting edge of controversy in the state of Idaho. You can look…

  • Scientific American slide show tells and shows seven species- Slide Show: Rabbits at Risk. By Coco Ballantyne. Scientific American. One of the rabbits in the slide show, the Columbia Basin pygmy, is now in fact extinct. Brian Ertz and KT have written much on this forum about its demise.

  • A huge solar power plant threatens rare plants and animals. There has been much discussion about renewable energy sources and large wind and solar projects. The problems with many of these projects are manyfold. One, there will be no decommissioning of any coal fired or other polluting/greenhouse gas emitting power plants as mitigation. Two, the…

  • Deep snow keeps bears in longer than recent years- Where are all the grizzly bears? Great Falls Tribune. By Karl Puckett. The article says bears are coming out quite late in Yellowstone too.

  • Doug Breakwell posted a comment that was interesting, but also to a thread I’d rather keep clear, so I answer his questions below. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Doug Breakwell wrote: April 11, 2009 at 4:45 AM This is a great site to keep updated on whats happening to wolves especially if…

  • 25-million acres of public land said operating under illegal BLM plans- Conservationists decry ranching impact on sage grouse populations. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press Writer Needless to say, this is no small piece of litigation. Thanks to Advocates for the West for permission to use the map.

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