May 22, 2009

  • Homer Wilkes, not what conservationists hoped for- We ran this news earlier, but now David Frey at New West has a comprehensive article on the nomination. HOMER WHO? Obama Stuns with Forest Service Nominee. “With little forest credentials, is Wilkes the right man to oversee the Forest Service?” By David Frey. New West.

  • All the entrances to Yellowstone Park are now open, and this includes Beartooth Pass. Travelling the Pass at this time of year ought to be an awesome experience assuming you can see over the snowbanks.

  • Pathbreaking book about agri-business dropped from Freshmen Reading program- Wazoo (Washington State University in Pullman) has a common reading program every year for freshmen. This is a growing practice at universities, but Michael Pollan’s look at how our food is produced in an unsustainable manner (oil and corn) seems to have been too controversial for…

  • It’s much cheaper and takes less time than learning to play guitar- From the Washington Post. It’s Made of 100% Cotton; Its Sales Are 99% Ironic. By Mike Musgrove. It looks like this is going viral. Look at

  • Central Idaho threatened/endangered fish habitat is threatened by public land livestock grazing.  Federal managers drag their feet.  WWP threatens to file suit. Many folk don’t realize the impact to native fisheries habitat that livestock grazing can and does have.  The Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other land and wildlife management agencies work diligently to avoid…

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