May 2009

  • You don’t want to alarm a livestock guard dog- While some folks in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming worry about being attacked by wolves, the real danger of attack by a canid is the livestock guard dog.  Your risk goes up a lot if you are accompanied by a pet dog. Pete Zimowsky of the Idaho…

  • Comments will be taken until June 22- Grizzly protection proposed. Plan would limit public’s access. Becky Kramer. Spokesman-Review It is irritating that the headline for the new plan to save the grizzlies in these two disjunctive grizzly populations of northern Idaho and NW Montana should be negative in tone. After a  brief  look at the…

  • Aggressive conservation group’s current ambitious set of lawsuits- “The litigation docket of Western Watersheds Project is large and varied.” WWP Blog.

  • For all practical purposes the pack has denned at Park Headquarters- The Canyon Pack, which includes some remnants of the old Hayden Pack, is denned just a quarter mile east of the Mammoth town site. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a chase on the Mammoth lawns. Wolf pack moves to park’s headquarters. Den near…

  • The collared sub-adult male was traveling with a second smaller wolf near Baker- News Story: Wolf collared, then released, near Baker City. Written by Jayson Jacoby. Baker City Herald. – – – – – – – Oregon Fish and Game News Release. Wolf radio-collared and released in eastern Oregon LA GRANDE, Ore. – A joint…

  • Notice: for those who want to comment on this, the comment period has been extended until noon on May 12, 2009.  You can also provide oral testimony to the Fish and Game Commission the evening or the 13th. The Fish and Game Commission meeting begins at 7:00PM in the ISU Student Union Bldg – Big…

  • Wolves in Northern Rockies and Great Lakes officially delisted May 4, 2009- Will delisting be better the second time around? Today for the second time in the Northern Rockies, wolves were delisted with all management decisions handed over to the states of Idaho and Montana, but not Wyoming where delisting  will not take place under…

  • Krugman, the Nobel Laureate in economics says we can afford a cap and trade policy on carbon emissions- An Affordable Salvation by Paul Krugman. New York Times op ed Congress is debating the climate change bill right now. Cap and trade is a market based method of controlling carbon emissions. That means “free market” conservatives…

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