May 2009

  • It’s Time to Put the Great Bear Back on the Endangered Species List Doug Peacock writes a compelling – and moving – essay in support of restoring ESA protections to the Yellowstone Grizzly : The Fate of the Yellowstone Grizzly – Counterpunch The Yellowstone grizzly bear population is once again in serious trouble. During 2008,…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 14, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field * The Wild in Us * Join the Front Lines * BFC Media Crew Needs a Laptop * Last Words * Kill Tally —————————— * Update from the Field Though a day early,…

  • Six people were apprehended after people watching the webcam called Park officials Yellowstone Webcam Catches Men Using Old Faithful as Toilet See PEER’s press release here. Update: 2 Yellowstone workers fired after watering geyser Associated Press

  • Bison hazed to make way for livestock grazing Like a broken record, year after year – Yellowstone Park officials, Gallatin National Forest officials, and Montana Department of Livestock officials – all contribute to the inhumane hazing and killing of America’s last genetically wild bison, all to enable livestock ranchers – on your federal public land…

  • A mega-herd of a quarter of a million Mongolian gazelles has been seen gathering on the country’s steppes, one of the world’s last great wildernesses. Largest herd of gazelles sighted BBC Earth News

  • BLM Resource Management Litigation hits “World News” Update May 13:  The Salt Lake Tribune publishes an important Editorial on the recent news: Saving sage grouse : A funny-looking bird that fluffs its feathers to dance an elaborate mating rite just might be able to accomplish what well-funded environmental groups have been struggling to do for…

  • Despite our complaints about Salazar’s views, the GOP has taken unprecedented steps to oppose Salazar’s repeal of Bush’s policies for opposite reasons- I can’t think of any other Administration where the minority party has tried so hard and been so successful preventing a new President from filling the positions in a government department. Rather than…

  • Folks should remember that livestock interests often strive to keep the goals low- This does throw more cold water on the “wolves have killed all the elk” belief. Wyoming elk numbers surpass goal. State census shows herds about 12.3 percent above objectives, likely more with uncounted animals. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr.. Jackson Hole News and…

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