May 2009

  • Maybe the illegal ATV protest ride up the Paria River will be punished– Thanks to Elizabeth Parker for calling my attention to this new development. Feds reviewing BLM evidence from ATV protest ride. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. – – – – – Earlier. Protesters roar through fed lands. By Mark Havnes. The…

  • Ignorance again rides high in the saddle as politicians in Idaho vilify the wolf- Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? Stephen Augustine. The River Journal.

  • These landowners realized that proposed wind energy is a lot more than a few scenic wind turbines tucked nicely away in an unimportant gully or flat- Laramine Range Landowners: Slow down wind energy. By Dustin Bleizeffer. Casper Star-Tribune energy reporter Unlike most of Idaho and Utah, they do live in a truly high quality wind…

  • Snowmobile tracks aid the survival of predatory competitors of lynx in deep snow- Snowmobile groups sue to set aside the improved designation of lynx habitat. By Ben Neary. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. AP They are saying that more environmental analysis is needed. Some conservation groups are suing too, saying not enough habitat was set aside. It is…

  • Loss of habitat and drought to blame, according to article- NV deer herds down; other species doing well. By Sandra Chereb. Associated Press Writer

  • With all the recent (bad) news about Obama’s Interior ~ i.e. “All Hat Salazar” (thanks JimT)~ vindicating we cynics’ worst fears about the future of our public landscapes and America’s natural environment – the tone of this forum has been a little somber ~ kind of a bummer really … It being Mother’s Day and…

  • This is the critical test of whether only pro-environment conscientious objection is prosecuted- Today about 1000 ATV and 4 x 4 owners are going to deliberately violate the law and charge up the Paria River’s bed in the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. Because they have announced the event as a deliberate violation of the law,…

  • Decision shocks environmentalists, brings glee to the hearts of industry responsible for climate change The Obama Administration upheld Bush’s industry-friendly, obstructionist interpretation of the Endangered Species Act when Obama’s rancher Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, issued a decision refusing to consider ESA regulation of carbon emissions, the chief threat to the listed Polar Bear. No global…

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