May 2009

  • Judge B Lynne Winmill ruled in favor of Western Watersheds Project ordering that the group’s comprehensive challenge of over 16 Resource Management Plans, directing management of over 30 million acres, can be litigated in his single court. Resource Management Plans (RMPs) guide management of livestock grazing, off road vehicles, energy development, and other potentially environmentally…

  • Oregon Cattlemen’s Association wants to shoot wolves on sight- Wolves: Ranchers deserve to protect their property. By Bill Moore, guest opinion. Oregonian. Oregon Cattlemen’s Association The howls over wolves. By The Oregonian Editorial Board – – – – Why the Cattle Association is worried about sheep is hard to say. As usual they fail to…

  • S1232 was signed into law yesterday by Governor Otter. The law mandates the Idaho Fish and Game Department to “cooperatively develop best management practices with the permittee(s) on the allotment(s)”. To many this is a non-starter and does not address the fundamental problems with grazing domestic sheep in proximity to bighorn sheep. S1232a – F&G,…

  • Whatever happened to the vaunted new May 15 tolerance date? Supposedly it would be different this spring. Bison would allowed to migrate out of the Park and onto Horse Butte free from harassment until at least May 15. The reality is pretty much like recent years. Brutal Montana Department of Livestock agents and Yellowstone Park…

  • Exploration can begin immediately- BLM authorizes Grand Canyon uranium exploration.By Eric Bontrager. New York Times. BLM Defies Congress, Authorizes Grand Canyon Uranium Exploration. by Mcjoan. The Daily Kos. “This is not a positive development from Salazar’s Interior Department.” In my view Obama’s public land policies are turning out to be no better than George W.…

  • Obama names nominee to oversee national forests. By Jeff Barnard. Associated Press Environmental Writer. This is the major nomination all interested in the U.S. Forest Service have been awaiting. Wilkes is a career civil servant, currently serving in Mississippi. The article suggest that this appointment means Obama puts a low priority on the issues of…

  • Because WY is not part of the delisting, ranchers might lose their legal ability to shoot wolves attacking their livestock- What an irony! Wolf delisting might hinder Wyo. ranchers. Herdsmen can’t protect livestock, lawyers say. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Pikas are disappearing from the alpine areas of Great Basin and may be listed due to climate change. People who frequent the alpine areas of Idaho may be familiar with these small relatives of rabbits. Pikas live in boulder fields where they harvest herbaceous plants and carry them into their dens. You can often hear…

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