June 11, 2009

  • Memorial Day Weekend Trip in Photos My wife and I went to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Southeastern Oregon for Memorial Day weekend to do some bird watching and a little fishing.  I had intended to post this shortly afterwards but other stories and a trip to Massachusetts and Maine got in the way. We…

  • If tests find he had pneumonia others may be killed as well. The bighorn which interacted with domestic sheep on private property near Riggins, Idaho has been killed. During the last 3 1/2 weeks it is know to have had contact with 11 other bighorn rams which may be killed as well if tests determine…

  • Cites political interference from the Idaho Legislature. The Idaho Conservation League has become the second group to resign from the BHS/DS Advisory Group. The first was the Nez Perce Tribe who cited the same reasons for resigning.  Currently the Group is suspended while the Idaho Fish and Game and the sheep permitees develop “best management…

  • Boise, Idaho man said attack happened too fast to use either when he surprised the bears- Fortunately he was able to walk 4 miles to the trailhead. Update: the original story has been replaced by a much more detailed one below. Boise man in hospital following griz attack. By Karin Ronnow. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer…

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