June 2009

  • Crapo “Does that mean dam breaching must be on the table? Yes.” Senator Craig would never allow that kind of talk, nor would Idaho’s water political establishment. Crapo didn’t say he favored breaching the 4 salmon- killing dams on the lower Snake River in Washington State. He just said it had to be on the…

  • Public lands as carbon sinks ? We’ve spoken of the potential for our public lands to act as carbon sinks. When you think about public lands and the value that these places have to serve our efforts to curb global climate change I’d like you to consider a new idea that is as old as dirt…

  • New technology, same uninhibited ambition You had better watch this, now and from now on.  The land grabbers are on the loose again and they can be stopped only as they were before, by the effective marshaling of public opinion.  Your property is in danger of being alienated, your interests and those of your children…

  • For immediate release – June 1, 2009 Tortoise Goes to Court: Groups File Lawsuit Against Feds for Failing to Answer Request for Federal Protection Contacts: Nicole Rosmarino, Ph.D., WildEarth Guardians, 505-699-7404 Michael Connor, Ph.D., Western Watersheds Project, 818-345-0425 Arizona—June 1. Today, Western Watersheds Project and WildEarth Guardians filed suit in federal court in Arizona against…

  • More wilderness, please.  Oregon still lags behind other Northwest states. Register-Guard. Yes! but no cow Wilderness, please!

  • Breaking and entering experts at West Yellowstone Wolf and Grizzly Discovery Center can’t open (or smash) new coolers- Although the problem solving can be tough for the bears at the Discovery Center, they usually manage to pry open, squash, or mangle a food container given them, but certain coolers made by Yeti Coolers and by…

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