July 3, 2009

  • The rain has brought a rich suite of greens to obscure western public landscapes.

  • Someone must have told Palin she’s a contender for a presidential run in 2012 ? Good luck with that ex-Governor Palin … If you think you can handle it, there’s the video of Sarah Palin’s resignation speech on the Huffington Post link : Sarah Palin Resigning as Alaska’s Governor – Huffington Post And a great…

  • Killing predators to “conserve” other more “desirable” wildlife has been a consistent topic of conversation on this forum.  It’s ugly enough in it’s own right in my mind – single-species conservation runs into such ethical dilemmas, especially when most wildlife managers don’t see a problem at all.  It appears one wildlife manager in Nevada doesn’t…

  • Finally some international pressure on the coal pit/coalbed methane proposals just northwest of Glacier (and Waterton) National Parks- United Nations Will Study Threats to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. By Dan Testa, Flathead Beacon (in New West)

  • Does this third court rejection of Bush national forest rules put a stake through its heart? The 2005 Bush revision of the rules for national forest planning were especially aimed at ignoring wildlife even though the law — the National Forest Management Act of 1976 — required plans to provide for species viability. That meant…

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