Groups Seek Federal Probe of NM Wolf Pup Deaths

3 Mexican wolf pups were found dead after their den was abandoned.  Some speculate human activity around the den prompted the wolves to leave.

Groups Seek Federal Probe of NM Wolf Pup DeathsAP

The agency said the mother left scratch marks from her efforts to get the pups out of a deep crevice in the den.

Why was there so much human activity around the den site ? :

Officials had been monitoring the pack’s alpha male because it was linked to four livestock killings within the past year.

Read the letteracrobat pdf from conservation groups to Interior Secretary Salazar requesting an investigation.







  1. jerryB Avatar

    Hopefully, some of the groups that signed off on the letter will have the courage and tenacity to follow thru with this.
    Another example of the failed policy of “collaboration” and “consensus building” that’s so popular with one very large corporate non-profit group in particular….Gosh…..don’t see their name listed as a co-signers on this letter.

  2. jerryB Avatar

    Brian……I thought your comment was “right on”.
    What happened to it?????

  3. Brian Ertz Avatar


    Let’s just say I didn’t take it down –

    The whole process from everyone involved down there is mired in secrecy.

  4. Brian Ertz Avatar

    I guess some people feel that’s good for the lobo

  5. Brian Ertz Avatar

    Or ambition – who knows ?

  6. Rick Hammel Avatar
    Rick Hammel

    I don’t think there will be any change in management as long as Catrona County and livestock people are partners in the recovery effort. What really is needed is judicial oversight guiding FWS in the recovery. Otherwise, it is going to be a long road to eventual failure.


  7. jerryB Avatar

    Wow!! This is getting more and more interesting.

  8. ProWolf in WY Avatar
    ProWolf in WY

    Rick, I think the whole program is doomed to failure if some changes aren’t made.

  9. Cynthia L. Durham Avatar
    Cynthia L. Durham

    I would appreciate being contacted to find out if I can help with predator deterrant. I use Great Pyrenees to great effect and don’t for the life of me understand why the same isn’t used out west.

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