Saving Energy by Managing Irrigation

In much of the West, pumping water to keep alfalfa growing in the desert through the hot season is an extremely wasteful endeavor.  Kate Galbraith writes about an energy conservation initiative in Idaho that pays irrigators to turn off the pumps during peak demand.

Saving Energy by Managing Irrigation New York Times blog

Doing more with less ~ conservation, efficiency ~ is almost always a cheaper proposition than the alternative, and there’s so much potential to reduce energy consumption.



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  1. JimT Avatar

    Brian, thanks for the article.

    I also wanted to ask you a question not exactly on topic for this article, but I don’t have your email so..

    I was wondering if you know of, or have put together, a timeline/history/analysis of the 10(J) wolf issues and lawsuits, probably the last three or so years. It is for a friend who is writing an article on ESA and wolf recovery and what is right and wrong with the process. She is one of the longtime good folks, so no worries about unpleasant surprises.

    I am assuming since Ralph lets you post, you have access to my private email address? If not, I sent an email to Ralph this morning, though don’t know when he will get it, and there is a deadline for an outline this Friday.

    In any case, if you can help easily, great. If it requires a bunch of searching around…beyond the call of duty…~S~..Thanks


  2. Brian Ertz Avatar


    Sorry for the delay, I’d be happy to help out any way that I can. Expect an email shortly ~


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