July 2009

  • Some worry that Mexican Gray wolf pups were abandoned due to human activity near densite. Wolf pups rescued; some found dead By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN – Associated Press Writer

  • A lot of ecologically important land is going to be put under the bulldozer with this. Secretary Salazar, Senator Reid Announce ‘Fast-Track’ Initiatives for Solar Energy Development on Western Lands – Department of Interior News Release 6/29/09 And some comment : Interior fast-tracks Big Solar on public lands – Chris Clarke, The Clade Note the phrasing: “rapid…

  • Woolgrowers try to spin the decision to muddy the waters on Bighorn/Domestic sheep disease U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has voided the Payette National Forest Science Advisory Committee’s contribution to management decisions when it decides whether or not to ban or reduce domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest. Federal judge voids bighorn…

  • Earlier (in June) we posted an article about grizzlies that had come out of the Rocky Mountain Front mountains are were out on the plains east of Interstate 15 in Montana (that is a N-S 4-line highway). The bear was 177 miles from Pine Butte Swamp, a nature preserve on the Front where grizzly bears…

  • In April, Ralph contrasted the disproportionate media hysteria that takes place when a wolf kills a cow or sheep versus when any number of other natural events result in vastly more significant livestock loss.  The example that he used : SE Montana blizzard kills far more livestock in 2 days than Montana wolves in a year :…

  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dubs the plan an “eradication program”. The plan to kill pelicans by shooting or covering their eggs with oil to protect Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Blackfoot Reservoir has been rejected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service due to the requirements of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Idaho F&G…

  • New controls complete after more than 60,000 air quality violations- New controls. Farmington (NM) Daily Times. This has long been a major polluter of the air and water of the 4-Corners country of the southwest.

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