July 2009

  • Like so many other developments in what was  “sagebrush sea,” wind power impacts sage grouse- I think that to the energy industry and many folks, including most Western politicians, the non-forested open spaces are just empty space where they could put “stuff.” The declining presence of sage grouse, and no doubt other wildlife in the…

  • This is hardly news to us, but coyotes are common in many cities and suburbs nowadays- As for myself, I’m happy when a coyote wanders through the neighborhood. It (or they) clean out the feral domestic cats. Controlling wily coyotes? Still no easy answers. By Mark Stark. Associated Press.

  • Genetic tests indicate wolves are from Alberta/Montana. Yet another pack of wolves may be present in Washington State. They are protected by Washington’s endangered species laws however they are not protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act in the eastern third of Washington. Signs of wolf pack found in Pend Oreille County By NICHOLAS K.…

  • $1.4 million dollar fine and retribution to be paid- $9.1 million will be paid to retrofit power poles. Over 200 eagles died and many other raptors. PacifiCorp Settles In Bird Electrocutions. By Mead Gruver. Associated Press Writer Exxon-Mobil was involved too. Earlier story. Companies charged in bird deaths. By Tom Morton. Casper Star Tribune.

  • WWP expands action into Colorado Western Watersheds Project filed suit in Federal Court in Denver, Colorado to stop a 250,000 acre grazing project located on Colorado’s Pike-San Isabel National Forest. […]The grazing has been so severe that the Forest Service’s wildlife specialists stated that if it didn’t change, the Forest Service was risking a widespread…

  • More marching ahead down the road to elk disaster- Court rules for feedlots. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily

  • Broke California’s governor wants to close the state’s parks. Feds say this breaks the rules for six of them- 6 California parks could revert to federal control. LA Times. By Julie Cart. Closing the State Parks will probably do more economic damage than the management money saved, but then nothing about California’s self-made budget crisis…

  • Is the bill, compromised as it is, better than nothing? The Climate Bill has passed the House. It still must clear the Senate where the coal, gas and oil lobbyists hope to make still better for them. There are those who blame Obama for not spending more of his still considerable political capital on this.…

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