September 15, 2009

  • Calls Dam Breaching a “Last Resort” “The administration’s passing reference to dam breaching as a ‘contingency of last resort’ defers all necessary economic, infrastructure and other studies, making this ‘contingency’ an illusion,” said Samuel N. Penney, the chairman of the Nez Perce American Indian Tribe, which has traditionally fished the Columbia. New Federal Plan for…

  • 24 misdemeanor counts put one Blackfoot, ID man in jail; others fined- The men “involved in hunting in closed areas, transferring tags, purchasing resident licenses while residing outside of Idaho, hunting without the proper tag, killing elk in excess of the bag limits, and hunting with the use of motorized vehicles.” Idaho Fish and Game…

  • Bitterroot Valley resident tracks growing deformities by examining road kill- New West has a story today about the likely effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on deer.  Bitterroot Rebel With a Cause. Genetic, Genital Damage in Montana Wildlife? (bad link is now fixed). By Joan Melcher. New West. Almost half of the bucks had structural abnormalities.

  • Article on what do you do with a wolf you shoot this time of year- Hunters not obligated to eat wolf kills. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian.

  • Elk numbers depend not just on birth minus mortality, but on square miles of area where they can find something to eat- There are many places in the West where elk could live and thrive if they had something to eat, but they don’t. Livestock is the reason. Aside from those areas of continuous forest…

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