September 23, 2009

  • Hunting season for deer and elk is underway (partially) in Wyoming, and already the grizzlies are going down- Ditch Creek is just east of the middle section of Grand Teton National Park. Wyoming Game & Fish Department investigates grizzly shooting. Star Valley Independent

  • Becomes another utility choosing realism over ideology- The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a “there ain’t no climate change” outfit organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is seeing a hemorrhage of support from utility corporations. Utility Quits Alliance Over Climate Change. By Kate Galbraith. New York Times.

  • Prescribed fire east of Jackson Hole was big success; more planned- Meanwhile late season fires break out amidst planned ignitions– Link Fixed. Plants healthier year after Gros Ventre burn. Prescribed fire improved forage for bighorns, other wildlife in Red Hills area. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. For those unfamiliar with this common…

  • Rocky Baker points out that the Idaho Cattle Association is pleasantly surprised- A lot of people I know worked hard to get Barack Obama elected President;  not just conservationists, but independents and Democrats who had sat on their hands for years. As Barker points out, after the election the traditional Western resource users (who are…

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