October 2009

  • Study indicates 5000 mature individuals are needed for population viability Conservation Targets Too Small To Stop Extinction RedOrbit This determination could have profound implications for the protection of many species. Many biologists use a number of 2000 individuals in a population for maintenance of viable populations over the long term. In the Northern Rockies the…

  • Noisy and getting noisier Noise pollution threatens animals “Sounds produced by vehicles, oil and gas fields and urban sprawl interfere with the way animals communicate, mate and prey on one another.”

  • Just one wild horse left on Flathead Lake’s Wild Horse Island, but there is no shortage of horses that could repopulate the island- The Missoula Independent did a feature on the contentious issue of the management of the wild (or feral) horses of the West. Alone on the Range. Only one wild horse remains on…

  • Wants to get kids into nature, great! Otherwise interview is a lot of nothing- New director: All of us should visits parks. Jarvis ranks protection, management of resources among his core values. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily.

  • Will there be a similar flight for opponents of the mining? No. A state owned plane carrying Lt. Gov. Brad Little, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, deputy Attorney General Clive Strong, and mining lobbyist Jack Lyman for a tour of eastern Idaho phosphate mining areas was paid for by mining…

  • Unfortunately she had three cubs- Choteau (show toe). This took place on the plains on the Rocky Mountain Front. Despite the mention of Teton County, it is Teton County, Montana not Teton County, Wyoming or Idaho. This pheasant hunter was from Alaska. Story: Bird hunter kills sow grizzly north of Choteau. Choteau Arcantha. The grizzly…

  • Warming climate means these escaped exotics will likely populate northward- With all the escaped animals from all over the tropics finding a home in Florida, things are getting exciting. Studies show some large snakes could survive as far north as Oregon. Giant snakes warming to U.S. climes. By Janet Raloff . Science News.

  • Motorist saves woman as she was being stomped by the buck- Florissant, Colorado area deer gores woman who tried to pet it. By Daniel Petty. The Denver Post

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