November 4, 2009

  • Comparison of two sites, Nov. 4, 2009, in the Mink Creek drainage south of Pocatello, Idaho- Mink Creek is a popular recreation area on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, just south of Pocatello, Idaho. The first 3-4 miles have no livestock grazing. As the drainage gains slowly in elevation, it is grazed from about June 1…

  • IGBC has hard time understanding Judge Molloy ruled against them not because of grizzly mortality, but lack of food for grizzly in the area- Perhaps the bear population could withstand more deaths; and, hey why not acquiesce with what is already happening? Bear bureaucrats could call that “adaptive management.” However, Judge Molloy didn’t relist the…

  • Over at New West you can follow the Montana Wilderness controversy closely- Yesterday Ken Cole posted Senator Tester Betrays Montana Wilderness, a sharply critical opinion piece written by Brian Peck. Bill Schneider has been following Montana’s 30 year Wilderness controversy for some time in his columns at New West. His many updates give folks a…

  • Spike in unhappy grizzly encounters in Greater Yellowstone could result in bill- While pepper spray isn’t always the answer in an encounter with a grizzly, most often it is with lots of benefits to humans and bears. Bear spray bill on the way. Proposal would require permitted backcountry users in griz country to carry pepper…

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