November 2009

  • Quota of five wolves has been filled for the Upper Snake wolf hunting area- This is in Eastern Idaho, in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. The wolves killed may or may not have wolves that usually inhabit Yellowstone Park. Here is the Idaho wolf quota area map. Nov. 3. E. Idaho wolf zone closed as hunters…

  • For all those discouraged folks out there, I think this f- – – – ing wonderful! Grizzlies home on range – again. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune Staff Writer. Is anyone interested that grizzlies are abundant enough and northern Montana empty enough that grizzlies are spilling out onto the plains?

  • Are local people waking up to the fact that energy development in the remote West lacks the water necessary- The attitude of many interior Western politicians is, and generally has been, that they are happy to be a colony for the rest of the country as long as they can be glorified for a few…

  • Move was to protect it during the general hunting season- Albino bear moved. Bozeman Chronicle.

  • October is always bad; this year worse. Even so,  NW Montana grizzly mortality is low compared to that in Greater Yellowstone. It’s pretty clear to me that the Yellowstone grizzly needed to be put back on the list, just as Judge Molloy did. Fortunately, grizzly deaths are down this year in the Greater Yellowstone. Grizzly…

  • Game managers may make changes in hunting season for next year- Wow! The stories about the shooting of the Park wolves who happened to be just north of the Park keep coming. This is another one. This one today is by Brett French in the Billings Gazette. Actually we don’t know that this hasn’t happened…

  • I see it as a way for our western “royalty” to try to coerce Montana FWP into supporting wildife and fish-harmful plans- The land barons are trying to use hunters to pressure FWP into policies that are harmful to wildlife, but friendly to their private interests. The article says that for access, lots of these…

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