November 2009
Quota of 75 will be reached- Updated Montana wolf hunt ends today. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. It looks to me like wolf hunting has been easier in Montana than Idaho. Although over 100 wolves have now been killed in Idaho, Idaho’s hunt began earlier and goes longer. Idaho also has about 50% more wolves…
George Wuerthner, ecologist, writer, photographer, will be the featured symposium presenter in Pocatello, Idaho- This will be of interest to SE Idaho outdoor enthusiasts. Here is the story on the Nov. 16 presentation from the Idaho State Journal. Public lands v. Private Recreation. By Jimmy Hancock. Idaho State Journal. The headline is misleading because Wutherner…
Lawsuit settlement results in USFWS reclaiming decision-making authority over Mexican wolves- Folks are now hopeful that the failing effort to restore the Mexican wolf is out of the hands of a committee that had become captive to local anti-wolf interests. Deal on Mexican Gray Wolf. Associated Press in the New York Times – – –…
A new resource page for the case Western Watersheds Project, et al. v. Salazar I hope this new page will prove to be another site for good information on efforts to compell the Park Service and Forest Service to stop cooperating in the bison slaughter and eventually allow a significant number of bison to live…
After her suspension and all the evidence against her claims from the very laboratory she supervised, this is amazing. New, longer version of the story. Suspended UI prof repeats sheep claims in journal. By John Miller. Associated Press Writer. – – – – The blog has posted many articles about Bulgin her discredited claims that…
Alberta opposes Parks Canada plan for bison in Banff- I’m not suprised Alberta opposes it; a regressive province, but it sure works for me. Story in the Calgary Herald.
As the economy of the high plains falters decade after decade, the idea of a big high plains park could really help the economy- A new park to save the plains, We already have approached this idea here in our discussion of the population decline of northeast Montana with wildlife from the Rockies, such…
The Carbon the World Forgot — the boreal forest- “The boreal forest stores more carbon than any land-based ecosystem on the planet, according to a new report that says the Amazon is no match for Canada’s boggy bush.” It turns out that a major reason is all peat under the trees. Too many carbon sequestration…