December 2009
Mountain lions, coyotes, badgers, skunks and ravens will all be targeted in an effort to improve deer and sage grouse survival using $866,000 from the Nevada Department of Wildlife’s Heritage fund. Rather than tackle the main issues related to sage grouse declines, livestock grazing, sagebrush killing projects, and energy developments, groups in Nevada are going…
Wildlife Services, the agency that does the killing “The USDA’s own statistics show that most livestock losses come from weather, disease, illness, and birthing problems, not predation.” Wildlife Services: The Most Important Wildlife Agency You’ve Never Heard Of Andrew Wetzler NRDC Switchboard
An article about the ill-conceived bison quarantine program that will likely be turning the majority of the progeny of these bison into privately owned livestock. The Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks’ bison quarantine project started several years ago in an attempt to create a brucellosis free heard of Yellowstone bison from captured calves which had…
Recently, there have been a few government wolf updates published. Wyoming Status Reports (which sometimes have information from states like Washington, Oregon, Utah and Colorado): 11/27/2009 11/13/2009 10/30/2009 Idaho, as has been the case since wolves were delisted in the first time in 2008, has provided little information other than numbers. Their reports don’t mention…
Here is the longer story from the Mountain Express about the killing of the Basin Butte Pack near Stanley. Livestock do not winter in the Sawtooth Valley so there was no imminent danger of livestock losses. This was a revenge killing. On public lands allotments there are no mandatory terms and conditions requiring livestock permittees…
Montana does not want wolves to be relisted Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks has filed its brief in the wolf delisting lawsuit arguing that wolves should not be relisted under the Endangered Species Act. Two stories: FWP files brief against relisting wolves Billings Gazette State FWP to Molloy: Wolves are recovered, should be delisted Missoulian
This is the story about hunting district 310 that a lot of SW Montana hunters are upset about- Big game animals scarce in once-popular hunting district along Gallatin River. By Brett French. Billings Gazette.
The wolf was not the gray wolf, however, it was the Eastern wolf — canis lycaon- Dr. Jon Way has been telling us this for some time. I see he has changed his suburban coyote page to the “coywolf page.” Broken link now fixed. Coywolves’ a product of evolution. By Lawrence Pyne. Burlington Free Press.