January 2010
Another cougar attacks and kills llamas- And Idaho Fish and Game doesn’t seem to need a better count of cougars or locations like they do wolves (not that I really want them collaring cougars too). Mountain lions on the prowl. Feline killed in Alta, man jumped by cat near Jackpine Loop. Published: Thursday, December 31,…
The Obama administration may issue an order that would expand the National Environmental Policy Act’s scope to prevent global warming. The move could open up new avenues to challenge projects. I review grazing allotment renewal documents and rarely, if ever, have I seen climate change discussed. When it is discussed, and only in response to…
Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report. USFWS- I notice livestock predation by wolves in Wyoming in 2009 was really trivial. Of the dead sheep, which was up in ’09, “three packs (Big Horn, Black Butte, and Dog Creek) were responsible for all of the195 confirmed sheep depredations. The Big Horn Pack consisted of 3 adults…
The “Ruby pipeline” is to be bad news for pristine desert, scenic canyons, wildlife- In typical single-minded engineering mentality, this pipeline will be built cross-country with little regard for anything else. Reno Gazette-Journal on the Ruby Pipeline. By Susan Voyles. This pipeline is one reason why Western Watersheds giant sage-grouse lawsuit is so important.
Warming climate has resulted in a big melt of glaciers on the giant volcano’s unstable slopes- Although this article focuses on the effects to Rainier National Park, melting could result in a deadly mudflow downriver. Rainier’s rocks are filling riverbeds. The fallout from Mount Rainier’s shrinking glaciers is beginning to roll downhill, and nowhere is…
Taken from Walker Creek toward the Portneuf Mountains, SE of Pocatello-
Well reasoned argument against approval of Idaho Fish and Game’s plans to chase wolves, dart them, land and collar them in Idaho’s sacred central Idaho Wilderness- Wow, this fellow knows what he is talking about. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – – – January 2, 2010 Dear Mr. Tidwell Chief, U.…
Wolves fall quickly in first Swedish wolf hunt in a half century- Hunters kill 20 wolves in first Swedish hunt in 45 years. AFP. Twenty out of the 27 wolf quota were killed the first day. There were 182 – 217 wolves. The Swedish Parliament limited the population to 210.