January 2010

  • This cougar was the fifth plague victim in recent years in the Greater Yellowstone- Well-known female cougar dies from plague. Carcass found in Grand Teton National Park. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. The plague is generally carried by rodents. I wonder how common it is among the rodents of the Greater Yellowstone.

  • Focus today, Jan. 12, is on Yellowstone grizzlies after Judge Molloy relisted them- Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee drafts new plan for grizzly bear recovery in Rockies, Cascades. AP More on the meeting: Grizzly panel [IGBC] says it can’t meet judge’s requirements for delisting. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian. I have been reading this claim ever…

  • Driver given a misdemeanor. Said sun in his eyes- Eight dead bighorn, including two trophy rams. By John Grant Emeigh. Montana Standard.

  • It appears that some Utah legislators are reactionary too. One line of the bill states that “[t]he division shall capture or kill any wolf it discovers in the state, except for a wolf lawfully held in captivity.” At the bottom of the bill is the Legislative Review, which is written by the Office of Legislative…

  • Preliminary wolf mortality numbers from the Idaho Fish and Game released. Officially, a total of 273 wolves died in Idaho from all causes. 260 were human caused mortalities which is up 120 from last year resulting in a 178% increase in overall mortality. Also from the report: From September 1 through December 31, 135 wolves…

  • On last day of court-ordered deadline, USFWS does not announce plan, but asks for an extension- U.S. Fish and Wildlife misses deadline on jaguar recovery plan. By Susan Montoya Bryan. Associated Press.

  • Cause of crash is still not known- Idaho biologists recovering from helicopter crash.  The Associated Press Although this has been discussed and we have been told a good investigation of matter has taken place over the last three days, the AP article says the cause of the crash is not know. It was a wolf,…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign and Gallatin Wildlife Association speak Stephany Seay, media coordinator for the Buffalo Field Campaign, writes a letter in response to the Casper Star Tribune’s poorly researched op-ed of December 30th titled “Turner ranch plan is the best way to save bison“. Giving bison to Turner isn’t legal Stephany Seay – Buffalo Field…

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