April 2010

  • Accuses groups of being party to may become “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century.” I’m not going to say much more about this other than to observe that RMEF seems to be adopting the same type of hyperbole that they accuse the pro wolf…

  • But they continue to ignore the biggest threat to their habitat……….. GRAZING. $16 million in handouts for this year alone. The NRCS is handing out more money to ranchers for “habitat conservation” or “habitat improvement” projects that maintain grazing on public lands. There are some projects such as fence removal that will be funded but…

  • Mountain goats may compete with the struggling native bighorn sheep Grand Teton National Park officials are worried that mountain goats may increase in the Park and compete with bighorn sheep. The goats were introduced into the Snake River Range by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and they have spread to the Teton Range.…

  • Looking for a great career? Do you want a sheepherder’s job? Look for yourself and you can make a whopping $650 – $750 a month! No, that’s right now, not some time in the future like 1950! Type in the word “sheepherder” on the Idaho Works job search page and see for yourself: https://labor.idaho.gov/idahoworks/es/jobsearch/default.aspx It’s…

  • Good or bad, they’re everywhere. Introductions of rainbow trout have caused the extinction of many species and are one of the primary reasons that inland sub-species of cutthroat in the western US have declined, or in some cases become entirely extinct. The Yellowfin, Waha Lake, and Alvord cutthroats, of Colarado Idaho, and Oregon respectively, have…

  • Alleged actions are a violation of state law. “A state ethics board alleges that William Weiler repeatedly used his position as a state biologist involved in permitting wind-power projects in Southwest Washington to influence turbine developers to donate money to the Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute, a nonprofit that he led.” State biologist accused of steering…

  • They really aren’t the huge, vicious “Canadian” wolves. Jon Rachel of the Idaho Fish and Game talks about wolves and debunks many of the myths that the wolf haters wish were true. State biologist clarifies wolf myths By JON DUVAL – Mountain Express

  • Note that this replaces the 5th edition. That edition can be found slowly moving down into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.

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