April 2010

  • (VIDEO): Legislature To Vote On Confirmation April 9- I’m on vacation, but this item on Huffington Post was too good to pass up. It is just pathetic that a person like this could rise to a position of overseeing wildlife management in such an important place as Alaska. Story on Al Barette. Huffington Post.

  • Two men accuse each other of poaching the bighorn while on a trip in Montana The ex-wife of one of the men reported the 2003 incident to the authorities in 2007. Washington man receives suspended sentence for poaching Bitterroot bighorn, mule deer By PERRY BACKUS Ravalli Republic

  • Numerous charges have been filed This is in relation to a story that was first reported last year in March about someone who allegedly tried to send a package that was dripping blood and contained a wolf pelt. Charges for killing the wolves have not been filed yet but charges for state game violations have…

  • Rules that isolated population is not a distinct population The mountain whitefish of the Big Lost River Basin was denied endangered species protection by Ken Salazar’s US Fish and Wildlife Service. They argued that the fish could not be considered a separate species, sub-species, or distinct population segment even though they have been isolated from…

  • Same pathogen found in bighorn and domestic sheep after contact was observed Here are two stories outlining what happened this winter with the outbreaks of disease in bighorn sheep.  It appears that there are likely two different causes for the outbreaks.  In the East Fork Bitterroot it appears that bighorn contracted mycoplasma from a small…

  • Questions remain unanswered With very few systematic surveys of pikas there is not much to compare the results of this most recent survey to.  The questions that still needs to be answered are what impact is climate change having on the survival of pikas in, especially, the isolated ranges of the pika’s range?  Are the…

  • Bycatch and habitat loss have imperiled sea turtles world wide. “Trawlers are completely indiscriminate. The target might be shrimp but for every pound of shrimp that might comp up with a given haul, there might have five or 20lbs of bycatch. That could be turtles, it could be all sorts of things,” said Wallace, a…

  • 5-year “demonstration project” to compensate ranchers and fund proactive, non-lethal activities. The USFWS has announced how it will disperse $1 million annually to the states with wolves for 5 years. This funding was approved in the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 which created several wilderness areas such as the Owyhee Wilderness in southern…

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