April 2010

  • The Agricultural Research Services’ US Sheep Experiment Station in Eastern Idaho has decided to stop grazing sheep in its easternmost pastures to protect grizzly bears and has discontinued working on an Environmental Assessment in favor of a more intensive Environmental Impact Statement of its operations. As you can see from the mapping there are conflicts…

  • How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd A good overview of the buffalo issue and how they continue to be persecuted by Montana’s livestock industry and how the buffalo from the quarantine feasibility study ended up going to Ted Turner. The Privatization of Wildlife: How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd AlterNet / By Joshua…

  • WWP wins again as state judge can find not one benefit for wildlife in state cow grazing of state wildlife areas- We have written a number of times about the recent politically inspired introduction of livestock into the Eastern Washington state wildlife areas purchased specifically to help wildlife and water quality. The livestock interests get…

  • Southern Utah county hides behind huge records request fee to keep citizens in the dark over efforts to build roads all over the public lands- My hope is this county of inbred idiots keeps losing and wasting money until the public is totally outraged Kane road battle turns into fight over records. By Mark Havnes.…

  • The Idaho Wool Growers Association and Shirts Brothers Sheep are suing the Idaho Fish and Game Department over an agreement that they signed in 1997 which would hold woolgrowers harmless if bighorn sheep introductions caused harm to their business. There are a number of problems with the agreement which make it unenforceable. According to the…

  • Alberta’s griz population has already collapsed, B.C.’s grizzly hunt quota too high- Pitiful Alberta now has fewer grizzly bears now than Montana does, and scientists say that B.C. is going the same direction, most directly affecting Montana in the North Fork of Flathead. Scientists say B.C. grizzly hunt could hurt recovery efforts in Montana. By…

  • Plan required as part of the Adaptive Management Plan The Army Corps of Engineers has released a plan of how they will study dam removal if it becomes necessary to remove one or more of the four Lower Snake River dams. DAMS: Corps releases possible dam breaching plan of study Tri-City Herald

  • Economic woes threaten the ranching lifestyle Another article about how the custom and culture of the ranching lifestyle is under threat but this one explains what the real threat is. Not so much environmentalists or government regulation but the economy and low beef prices combined with high beef processing prices are changing the economy for…

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