May 2010

  • I’d say this is a minor victory. The Stockgrowers wanted even more severe “management” of bison that we already have to witness. Stockgrowers’ Suit Over Bison Management Dismissed. Matt Gouras. Associated Press Writer

  • The famed runs of salmon are expected to return after two dams are removed but will they be as big? The Elwha Dam and Glines Canyon Dam on the Elwha River of the Olympic Peninsula were built in violation of an 1890 law which required fish passage facilities on dams “wherever food fish are wont…

  • Six month moratorium on new deep water well permits; lease auctions off Virginia and Alaska coast put in suspension. Partial ban on new spuds- There is finally action by the Administration on oil leases and permits to drill in various places off-shore. It is expected that today the President will announce there will be no…

  • Species are vanishing quicker than at any point in the last 65 million years We often speak of endangered/imperiled species in a relatively local context, in terms of wildlife that we might take for granted or might find nearby,  here that often means the western U.S. of A.  But every once in awhile it helps…

  • Agency inspectors have still been accepting oil company gifts- Lawmakers assail Minerals Management Service. By Perry Bacon Jr., David A. Fahrenthold and Steven Mufson. Washington Post Staff Writer. The agency might be beyond the ability to be reformed.

  • Although the griz killer might have gotten a slap on the hand, a good precedent was set- When it comes to grizzly bears, a threatened species, you can legally shoot one in self defense. However, the recent  Jackson, WY conviction of a man who shot a grizzly in what he said was self defense shows…

  • Dozens of Environmental Groups and Scientists sign letter asking Obama for Ken Salazar’s Resignation. WildEarth Guardians initiated the drive to find signatories to the letter in which a number of conservation groups and scientists have called for the resignation of Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar. Many of the signatories had asked Obama to not appoint…

  • FWP kills bighorn sheep to avoid disease outbreak. Billings Gazette.

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