May 2010
The msm Media just aren’t buying the scare tactics- “I believe that there are some who wish it … to be the silver bullet to remove the wolf,” said state Sen. Bruce Tutvedt, R-Kalispell. “And it isn’t going to work.” Read the rest in “State deals with worries over worms” in the Daily InterLake. By…
Bozeman naturalist’s notes on the event- There has been a lot of discussion on the blog of the speech Jim Beer’s gave Sunday May 16th, 2010 at the Gran Tree Inn in Bozeman, from 1 PM to 5 PM. The speech was sponsored by Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, which has been complaining…
This shows the hypocrisy of allowing helicopter darting of wolves in the Wilderness The USFS won’t allow Idaho Public Television to film in the Wilderness of Idaho because they claim that they are a commercial operation but the station is funded and operated by the State of Idaho. It kind of puts the helicopter darting…
The myth continues. You can show the livestock thugs all the evidence in the world that they are wrong and inhumane but they will forever lie. Here is this week’s update from the Buffalo Field Campaign. There is a very interesting video showing the birth of a buffalo calf where the mother consumes the entire…
The only good news is that BP now says it is collecting 5000 barrels a day of the oil gusher- Gulf Oil Spill: Oil Has Entered Loop Current, Officials Say. Associated Press. So, some of the oil is now off to Florida and maybe even to the East Coast. So far the main part of…
The leak started 30 days ago, oil as thick as paint is washing up on the shores of Louisiana and there are plumes of oil deep underwater poisoning the ocean and threatening the Florida Keys and the east coast. There have been many attempts to stop the leak and it appears that it won’t be…
The landscape has been reborn- However, the rebirth is, as you can see below, a hundred years from maturity. Mount St. Helens Eruption (PHOTOS): National Geographic Marks Its 30th Anniversary How far did the ash travel from the Mount St. Helens eruption? The Big Blog
Of course, if wolves attack cattle because they have run across dead cattle and got a taste, they are shot by Wildlife Services. Now Idaho Fish and Game Commission is happy to let wolves become habituated to baits so they can be easily “hunted.” Those wolves that don’t take the set baits will be much…