May 2010
Dr. Norman Bishop reports on the testimony- I think the recent controversy over one kind of tapeworm that infests wolves and other canids and which can cause a secondary infection in other animals, including people, is mostly hot air meant to scare. However, in response to the controversy the Montana Environmental Quality Council held a…
If not worse then just as bad. A lot of energy has been expended to try to make natural gas look “green”. In fact many “green” groups and others are touting it as the “bridge fuel to a 21st-century energy economy” and claim that it is “cleaner” than coal. Well, it turns out that it…
George Wuerthner responds to recent hyperbole from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation concerning wolves ~ We need wolves to be wolves ~ George Wuerthner, If the restoration of wolves to the Rockies is really “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century” as David Allen…
Nevada’s energy chief wants to take Federal Lands and hand them over to energy companies. Jim Groth, an appointee of Governor Jim Gibbons, published a declaration which calls for turning the State of Nevada into an energy colony and he doesn’t think it should be subject to National Environmental Policy Act requirements. “The greatest thing…
Are we going to see a spike in grizzly deaths due to this new law? The new gun law which allows people to carry guns in National Parks will be put to the test this year as people take to the backcountry of Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Glacier. Will there be an increase in grizzly…
Note that this replaces the 8th edition. That edition can be found slowly moving down into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.
To hell with private property rights, to hell with wildlife, we must protect cattle that aren’t even here. The ridiculous annual event of hazing bison during their calving season is underway even though this year the bison are likely to come back out of the Park because the green-up of grass hasn’t started there due…
More on the continual argument. This time on Boise State University radio- Arguing over Elk. By Adam Cotterell. Boise State Radio.