May 2010

  • The fish is in serious trouble due to dams on the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers The Pacific Lamprey had seen drastic declines in population over the last few decades and is quickly becoming a rare sight. Last year it was estimated that only 30,000 crossed Bonneville Dam, down from 350 million to 400 million…

  • Likely much more oil has gushed out than official reports, and it is rapidly growing worse- C’mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? USA Today.

  • Polar bear-grizzly hybrids are extremely rare, though one was found (that is, shot) last year. Now a second generation bear might have been discovered (shot by a native hunter). Story in the National Post.

  • “Certainly, if we want to supply some of our domestic energy needs, drilling is going to occur in places like this,” BLM spokesman Interior Department opening Colorado’s North Park to gas and oil drilling. By Bruce Finley. The Denver Post I can already see that “we” are going to get blamed for the Gulf of…

  • British Painter Julie Askew Ventures Into The Dale Of Wild Wolves and Goes ‘Eye to Eye’ Rather than post the story about the ignorant Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks new wolf quota for 2010, I am running this story and artwork by an English painter published in the latest Wildlife Art Journal. Todd…

  • Burmese pythons, an exotic invasive snake, is raising a ruckus in the Everglades- Pythons are just one of many exotics, mostly released pets, that are destroying the Everglades’ orginal ecosystem, but oddly, making it a weird and interesting place. Pythons in Florida Stalked by Hunters and Tourists Alike. By Damien Cave. New York Times.

  • “Discovery just redefined obscenity on TV: Sarah Palin as an Alaska wildlife show host” . . . copy from anti-Palin ads- Defenders of Wildlife launches petition drive to stop Discovery Communications from launching a Palin-hosted wildlife show. I don’t know, maybe she could show us the way to clean oil off birds and turtles, or…

  • The dam is over a half mile long- World’s biggest beaver dam discovered in northern Canada. by Michel Comte and Jacques Lemieux. Yahoo News. Regarding beaver locally (near Pocatello, ID), today I went up to check on the big beaver ponds below Scout Mountain. I found some ATV vandal today or yesterday had ridden the…

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