May 2010

  • 2 bulls shot after being agitated by drugs used in “study” Below is today’s Buffalo Field Campaign weekly update. Of note is the shooting deaths of two bull bison that were involved in the recent APHIS tests which involved using a vibrating anal probe so that they can test their ejaculate for brucellosis. The bulls…

  • Respected wildlife vet says reintroduced wolves had no tapeworms when they were brought down from Canada- The anti-wolf fringe is working 26-hours a day trying to scare people about wolves and tapeworms. The media has hardly bothered to cover them, so with each news release they get more extreme. They are having a rally at…

  • Another story on the reintroduction of a revised CIEDRA- Wilderness bill revised, reintroduced. Controversial land transfers near Stanley dropped. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer ~~ We posted an earlier story on this.

  • The chemical dispersants BP is dumping in the Gulf of Mexico are a cosmetic solution only. And they’re toxic. By Joseph Romm. Salon Magazine. AND MORE MALFEASANCE U.S. exempted BP’s Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study. By Juliet Eilperin. Washington Post Staff Writer. The Department of Interior did not require an environmental impact…

  • Bangs says recovery population goal for wolves in the Northern Rockies was changed- Anti-wolf folks argue that a population goal deal (or promise) was violated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when it did not delist wolves in the Idaho, Montana and Wyoming as soon as the states had 300 wolves in total.  Project leader,…

  • Kathie Lynch provides us with another detailed update on the wolves of northern Yellowstone Park. – – – – – – Yellowstone field notes. April 10 -18, 2010. By © Kathie Lynch. During my Spring Break in Yellowstone National Park (April 10-18, 2010), I managed to see at least one wolf every day, but it wasn’t…

  • Administration brushed aside the warnings- “National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration officials last fall warned the Department of Interior, which regulates offshore oil drilling, that it was dramatically underestimating the frequency of offshore oil spills and was dangerously understating the risk and impacts a major spill would have on coastal residents.” Story in the Huffington Post.…

  • The bison are going to bolster the state’s fourth wild bison herd- The Bison have been stuck on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake awaiting transfer to the Book Cliffs. By Mike Stake. AP People forget that Utah has wild bison herds — herds that are hunted.

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