June 22, 2010

  • Yes, there are skeptical scientists, but climatology is hardly ever their field- Climate Expertise Lacking among Global Warming Contrarians. “A majority of scientists who dispute global warming lack the climatological expertise to do so.”  By David Biello. Scientific American. I would say that the “contrarians” have largely carried the day in public opinion.  Too bad…

  • Two Contrasting Perspectives on the Collaborative Conservation Model George Wuerthner continues his thoughtful critique of the collaborative process by illustrating a stark distinction between the act of “collaboration” and the art of “negotiation”: Perils of Collaboration – George Wuerthner, Counterpunch Rocky Barker gives voice to the pro-collaborative perspective, suggesting if collaboratives aren’t nourished with passage…

  • Louisa Willcox of NRDC writes about the Delisting Hearing Louisa Wilcox, of NRDC, has written a great piece about the hearing and how the arguments by the government were disjointed and more about the politics than the law. She raises some good points and gives more information about the judge’s questions of the government’s conflicting…

  • This story gives more info on the dead botanist Erwin Frank Evert- Story from National Parks Traveler. By Kurt Repanshek Evert recently wrote Vascular Plants of the Greater Yellowstone Area. He knew the Yellowstone country well. His death certainly is a loss.

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