June 24, 2010

  • Groups Request End to Trapping & Snaring in Mexican Wolf Habitat in NM 14 Mexican Wolves have Been Trapped by Private Trappers – Press Release – WildEarth Guardians Santa Fe, NM. Today, WildEarth Guardians, the Sierra Club, and Southwest Environmental Center petitioned federal agencies and requested an emergency halt to all trapping and snaring on…

  • This USFWS news also gives info from Oregon where the Imnaha Pack’s alpha male is missing- wyomingnews-June18-2010 pdf file.

  • Migration is dwindling all over the Earth; Wyoming elk are one example- Climate change may favor couch-potato elk. Heading for the hills every spring appears worse than staying put. By Susan Milius. Science News. I have to wonder what the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico will do to the continent spanning bird migrations?

  • Another good year for Idaho’s sockeye salmon? 134,000 164,000 sockeye have crossed Bonneville Dam which is more than 3 times the 10-year average. Most of those are heading to lakes in Washington State but a few are returning to lakes in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. During the last two years Idaho saw exceptionally high returns of…

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