September 2010
The 2006 Memorandum of Agreement has EXPIRED. The State of Idaho and Wildlife Services have been operating outside of the law since relisting has occurred. It appears that the State of Idaho has no management authority over wolves now that they have been re-listed under the ESA. This is evidenced by the Memorandum of Agreement…
Beers’ “news” column in AgWeekly classic example- You don’t like your minister. So you make up a completely false rumor, one that is sure to spread. “Did you know the minister’s wife makes porn films?” “You don’t!” “Well people are talking about it.” Soon the congregation will be talking. I don’t like to link to…
Billionaire tea party funders effort to kill CA emissions law- We posted about this repeal effort earlier, but a good article about the Koch Brothers by a California minister. Passing Prop. 23 would send California Reeling Backwards. Syndicated Columnist, Author, Pastor of the Resurrection Community Church Oakland, CA
Progress on Antelope Creek blaze, but smoke hinders tourism- Antelope fire now over 3000 acres. Island Park News. The Yellowstone country is just getting too crowded to use in the summer, but every fall natural and prescribed fires are making that time of year bad too. Any opinions on this?
Good News ! : Supposedly extinct red fox discovered near Yosemite National Park – LA Times
Obama’s Abandonment of the West Doug Peacock continues to enrich the debate over grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem : Global Warming, Killer Bears? Doug Peacock, Counterpunch Biologists sometimes like to quibble that losing the grizzly because of the collapse of whitebark pine forests may be the least of our ecological worries. Ecosystems are, of…
Oregon wolves and livestock: This is a followup to our earlier story in the Wildlife News. Oregon range rider hired to watch out for wolves, quits. September 17, 2010 Farewell to one of my top five: Wolf range rider. By Cassandra Profita. Ecotrope. Boss says range rider quit for economic reasons. By Cassandra Profita. Ecotrope.
Both prescribed and wildfires are burning- I think the Antelope Fire on Mt. Washburn is reburning the burn from 1988 or at least some spots immediately nearby that were missed by the big fire. I took many photos of the 1988 burn on the mountain, during and after. Fires grab attention. Jackson Hole Daily. By…